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Welcome to the Queer Comics Database

To view a complete list of the 643 titles currently in the database, please go to Browse Series.


Our mission is to facilitate access to comics that contain queer representation. This includes:

  • Comics published in print and on the web.
  • Comics from major publishers, independent publishers, and self-published comics.
  • Comics for children, teens, and adults, as well as all-ages comics.
  • Representation from across the LGBTQIA spectrum, as well as intersectional representation.


Our focus is on the content of the work, rather than on the creators. Whether a work is “own voices” is beyond the scope of this site. If you are looking for a database of queer-identified creators, we recommend the Queer Cartoonists Database.

Although we strive for accuracy, our focus is on substantive representation. The site is not intended to be comprehensive, and there may be partial or incomplete information, especially regarding content warnings. This is not a recommendations site, and inclusion in the database does not represent an endorsement of any creators or content.

    • If you have any feedback or would like to submit a correction, see our Contact form.
    • If you’ve read a comic with LGBTQIA representation that’s not yet in the database, let us know via our Submissions page.