Despite belonging to a family of four, the Aoyama residence is typically home to three due to father Akiyoshi’s job. While he’s away at work, mom Tomoko and her two beloved sons Hiroki and Yuri go about their everyday lives–going to school, making dinner, doing homework, etc. But now that Hiroki’s in his first year of high school, his thoughts are turning ever so slightly to sex and romance…and his mom can’t help but notice his slips of the tongue when he’s talking about who he likes. Supportive Tomoko has an inkling Hiroki might be gay, but she’s going to let him figure it out for himself. Unfortunately, Hiroki has little talent for keeping his “secret,” so he might die of embarassment before all is said and done!
From: Square Enix Manga & Books
Notes on This Title
This title focuses on a Japanese family in which there are two sons, one of whom is strongly implied to be gay, and the other of whom questions whether he is asexual. Two men who are in a romantic relationship are supporting characters.
There is some light homophobic bullying in the text, but it is not very severe or persistent.
“This was a a really cute slice-of-life from the perspective of a mother as she tries to figure out her son.” (Source: The Graphic Library)
“I adore the increase in LGBTQ+ manga that focus on things like this, especially this one, which has a family-centric focus where a mom allows her son to move at his own pace while gaining a better understanding of his experience.” (Source: The Mary Sue)
Crunchyroll: “I Think Our Son Is Gay Author Okura Wants to Share the Happier Side of LGBTQ Stories“