Alan Scott, Earth’s first Green Lantern. Born with a strength of will, a resolute spirit, and selfless service to a world that would dismiss him, Alan Scott is the most powerful member of the Justice Society of America, but his personal life is a well-kept secret. Haunted by the memory of his first love, John Ladd, the Green Lantern must solve the mystery of multiple deaths of men who died just like John. Aided by the Spectre, the Flash, and the entire JSA, he must uncover the truth behind the man masquerading as him, the Red Lantern. Who is this rage-filled villain, and why are the Soviets involved?
From: DC Comics
Notes on This Title
The main character of this title is a gay man. A trans woman is a supporting character. A portion of this title is set in an insane asylum, where characters are made to undergo conversion therapy against their will.
“The best part of this series has been how Tim Sheridan crafts a passionate story of a man’s struggle to come to terms with himself in a world that tells him he should hate himself.” (Source: GeekDad)
The Beat: “Writer Tim Sheridan sheds light on ALAN SCOTT: GREEN LANTERN miniseries“