Angela: Asgard’s Assassin (2014)


All her life, Angela – finest warrior of the Tenth Realm of Heven – was raised to hate Asgard with every fiber of her being. But Angela has learned the truth about her identity: She is Thor’s sister. She is an Asgardian. Cast out of Heven and disgusted with Asgard, Angela must strike out on her own! But she can’t leave her heritage behind – better to steal it. When Angela kidnaps the newborn child of Freyja and Odin, Thor goes on the warpath. With the help of an old friend – and the Guardians of the Galaxy – Angela flees across the realms. But is she protecting herself, or the entire multiverse? Forced into a corner, Angela takes the boldest swing she can: She must invade Heven!

From: Angela: Asgard’s Assassin

Notes on This Title

The story of Angela: Asgard’s Assassin leads in to 1602 Witch Hunter Angela, which in turn leads into Angela: Queen of Hel.




“The main appeal with Angela: Asgard’s Assassin is that it returns writer Kieron Gillen to the Asgardian realm in the wake of his stellar run on Journey Into Mystery. Nowhere has his voice been better suited to Marvel than exploring this intersection of high fantasy and cosmic spectacle. Gillen scripts the main story in this first issue, while he and Marguerite Bennett co-write an interlude segment. Both portions have a distinct storybook quality that immediately gives the series a voice and tone of its own. In that sense, it’s like putting on a pair of comfortable shoes for JIM fans.

The problem is that this book lacks the compelling lead JIM boasted. Angela is no Kid Loki. She’s brutish and largely unlikable throughout the story. Gillen makes the decision to keep Angela at a distance and rely on another character as a viewpoint into Angela’s past history and present mindset. As a result, it’s tough to connect with her or glean much about the character other than that she’s very angry and good at killing. The idea that Angela is driven by an almost pathological desire to settle all debts is fairly interesting, but it’s not enough.” (Source: IGN)

“Phil Jimenez and Stephanie Hans’ artwork is breathtaking. The character designs are interesting and varied, the action sequences are beautifully realized and the use of color is just, like… the best. Angela remains a fantastic protagonist whose stoicism is nicely balanced out by her supporting cast and her Vulcan-esque moral code serves as an intriguing source of motivation throughout the series.” (Source: The Mary Sue)


CBR: “Gillen & Bennett Cut a Swath Through the Marvel U with ‘Angela’

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