Chester 5000 XYV (2008)



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Chester 5000 is an erotic comic set in a Victorian/Edwardian past, generally in the late 1800′s to early 1900′s.

Chester is the brilliant creation of a very talented Scientist and Engineer. He has many useful features and tries very hard to please. However, Chester is more than the sum of his parts.

From: Chester 5000 XYV

Notes on This Title

This series features extended sequences of nudity and sexuality.


2017 Ignatz Award for Outstanding Series


“Jess Fink’s “erotic, robotic Victorian romance” Chester 5000 XYV, an ongoing Web comic that’s recently been collected into a graphic novel by Top Shelf, is utterly of the zeitgeist. It has enough gadgets to entice the steampunk crowd, enough heat (tempered by romance) to seduce the yaoi crowd, enough sex-positivity for the feminist crowd, and enough craft for any “but girls can’t drrraawwwww” naysayers.

It helps that Fink balances plot and sex scenes deftly: in Chester 5000 XYV, an inventor inadvertently creates the perfect sex robot, Chester, for his sexually voracious wife, Pricilla, when he becomes too busy attend to her needs. Pricilla and Chester fall in love; complications ensue. In between these complications are sex scenes, with new attachments for Chester (with their own splash pages) and new partners to mix things up (yep, there’s girl on girl: never leave porn without it). Drawn with a brush pen, washed in gray (with a slight pink/purple tone for the Web-comic), the interior of the 6 3/4” x 7 3/4” hardcover is a study in curves: the curves of breasts, vulvas, penises, stocking-clad calves, tendrils of hair, Chester’s sleekly domed head. During the sex scenes, the panels curve with the action, “organic” — sometimes literally. For example, when Chester and Pricilla make love out-of-doors, the panels have arboreal flourishes. When Fink is delivering information more straightforwardly — distant dinners, arguments — they straighten out into a squat six-panel layout.” (Source: The Comics Journal)

“Jess Fink’s webcomic Chester 5000 XYV is a pornographic sexbot tale with a twist: a Victorian gentleman builds a robot to satisfy his sexually voracious wife, but wife and well-endowed automaton fall deeply (and, of course, passionately) in love.

Told in wordless panels, Chester 5000 XYV (NSFW, obviously), opens on a young Victorian couple enjoying their marital relations, one party more than the other. The wife (referred to in the comic’s notes as Pricilla) repeatedly outmatches her scientist husband’s libido, leaving her frustrated and him exhausted. So, logically, he uses his pseudovictorian scientist superpowers to create the ultimate husbandly gift: a walking (but not talking) robot with the ability and the will to bed his wife ad infinitum. All seems going to plan until Pricilla’s feelings for the robotic Chester prove not merely sexual, but romantic as well.

Let me be clear, Chester 5000 is a pornographic comic. Fink has great fun imagining all the ways in which Chester might please Pricilla. There are sly inventions, with naughty patent illustrations: the Cunnilingua Nasum (which elicits chuckles, then delighted silence from our sultry heroine), the Extendo Limbo, the Vibratus Fingum. There’s plenty of humor, but it’s humor that reinforces, rather than detracts from, our regularly scheduled titillations. It’s also a surprisingly tender tale, one where everyone, from artificial men to cuckolded husbands, deserves to find heart-pounding, screw-on-the-lab-table love.” (Source: io9)


Comic Tools: “Interview with: Jess Fink

timesunion: “Interview With Local Creator Jess Fink

1 thought on “Chester 5000 XYV”

  1. This comic is fun, if somewhat hard to understand in the few parts where there is something approaching a serious plot, due to the lack of actual dialogue. You have to infer everything from body language and a few “mood bubbles” (hearts, crosses, dollar signs, etc.). Like an old black-and-white silent film in comic form. This is fine in the romance scenes, but doesn’t convey quite enough detail for the non-romance parts and will therefore leave you confused occasionally.

    However, the comic needs content warnings for domestic abuse (there’s a not-at-all comedic scene when the inventor finds out his wife has actually fallen in love with the robot, and he reacts by manhandling her, ripping a necklace off her neck violently enough to make her collapse on the ground and hold her throat, and then he locks her up in his lab while he goes out to give the robot to a female friend of his – there’s no actual beating of the wife, but still…) and also violence (the inventor later tries to destroy the robot – who is presented as sentient – with a mallet, and he gets beaten up by the robot in return; in the second volume, another male character gets roughed up and non-fatally shot by the villains, and earlier he was in a ba industrial accident, so he runs around for most of the flashback scenes with his arm amputated and still wrapped up and bloody).

    Given that this is Steampunk, I think it should be tagged as part of the science fiction genre. (In the same way that genre-classics like Jules Verne or Frankenstein are sci-fi.)

    Also, I’d like to make clear that this really is PORN, not just an erotic comic with a lot of nudity like paper-published “mature” comics usually are. No, here half the pages are very explicit, lenghty sex scenes.

    The girl-on-girl part at the end of the first volume is borderline nd very limited (two women have sex with the male robot and are making out with each other for a bit during the foreplay – possibly for the benefit of the inventor, who is watching and has just generously “allowed” his new lady friend to make use of the robot as well, because she’s curious and got aroused watching the inventor’s now-ex going at it with the robot).
    But the guy-on-guy part in the second volume is considerably more substantial and genuine, even though the inventor’s sudden admission that he has been in love with the lady friend’s believed-to-be-dead husband for a long time comes pretty much out of the blue and clearly just so the lady friend doesn’t have to give up either of the men in her life. But at least this happy circumstance leads to several pages of the guys heavily making out (not performing for the woman, who isn’t in the room), and then a long threesome scene between the guys and the lady friend, where the guys aren’t only focussing on her, but give each other blowjobs as well. So, you know, still obviouly a scene intended for female slash-fans and not gay men, but better than it could be.

    In the first volume, the art style looks too much like for a typical comedy strip to really be arousing (at least to my eyes) – lots of weird angles and deformed bodies, and with rather sketchily drawn genitals. And the robot just looks too silly to be sexy.
    The art style improves / becomes more natural (less deformed) in the second volume, so that that one reads like a more normal porn comic as drawn by a woman (e.g. what you can find published on Filthy Figments or Slipshine).


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