DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary (2003)


DAR! chronicles the six year long autobiographical story of Erika Moen, who starts out as a lost 20-year-old lesbian artist-wannabe in college who falls in love with a boy in England and the evolution that her sexual identity undergoes before winding up marrying him as a queer 26-year-old full-time cartoonist. Along the way there are many vignettes about sex, farts, the queer community, the Brits, vibrators and figuring out sexual identity.

From: DAR

Notes on This Title

At the start of the series, Moen identifies as a lesbian. As the series progresses she further explores her identity.

DAR describes Moen’s experiences with Trichotillomania, a form of compulsive self-harm.

One strip drew criticism for its depiction of trans men. Moen has kept the strip on the site, but attached a message of apology.


2007 Stumptown Trophy Award for Outstanding DIY
2008 Stumptown Trophy Award for Outstanding DIY
2008 Stumptown Trophy Award for Outstanding Debut
2008 Stumptown Trophy Award for Outstanding Writing


“Erika is a fascinating person. She’s an artist who also works as a live nude model. She identifies as a lesbian but fell in love with and married a man. She’s clearly not shy when it comes to telling stories about any of these elements. I’ve read other autobiographical comics about similar subjects where my reaction was “Too much information!” I wanted to avoid meeting the artist as a result, because it felt like I didn’t have the right to know so much about them when I’d never met them. With Erika, it’s different. Her personality seems open and accommodating and like she’d be a terrific person to hang out with.”(Source: Comics Worth Reading)


Publishers Weekly: “Confessions of an Immature Pervert: Erika Moen Overcomes Puritanism

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