The Chromatic Fantasy (2023)



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Jules is a trans man trapped in his life as a nun. The devil that the convent guards against offers him a deal to escape: an illicit tryst and lifelong possession. Jules takes the deal, and begins his new life as a criminal who’s impervious to harm. He soon meets Casper, another trans man and a poetic thief, and together they steal, lie, and cheat their way through bewildering adventures, and develop feelings for each other along the way. But as Jules and Casper’s relationship deepens, so does the devil’s jealous grasp…

A gorgeously drawn graphic novel reminiscent of stained glass and illuminated manuscripts, telling a story of queer transmasc romance, daring adventure, and (literally) fighting your demons.

From: Silver Sprocket

Notes on This Title

This title focuses on two trans men who are in a relationship.

In addition to the content collected in print and published by Silver Sprocket, issues of The Chromatic Fantasy FUGUE have been made available for purchase by the author on


Honorable Mention - 2023 Publishers Weekly Graphic Novel Critics Poll
ALA Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table - 2023 Best Graphic Novels for Adults
2024 Lambda Literary Award for LGBTQ+ Comics - Nominee
2024 Cartoonist Studio Prize Award for Best Long-Form Comic - Nominee


“My goodness, but what a gorgeous book!” (Source: The Comics Journal)

“This uninhibited vision enchants.” (Source: Publishers Weekly)


The Beat: “H.A. on THE CHROMATIC FANTASY’s fully realized Technicolor queer dream

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