
Chinese high school girl Sun Jing spots another girl, Qiu Tong, at a bus stop and instantly falls for her. The comic follows the friendship between the two girls, but does Qiu Tong return Sun Jing’s feelings?

Notes on This Title

SQ is published in Chinese on the Chinese social media site Weibo, which requires an account to access. It is also known by the titles “Tamen de Gushi” and “Their Story.”

The main storyline focuses on the relationship between two girls. The comic occasionally touches on a queer male supporting character and his relationship to another male student.




“This is a classic story about two high school girls who fall in love and act like teenagers. Fans of BuffyGleeFaking It or any other show with queer teens will fall in love with this comic. And hey, if you’re a fan of Glee or Faking It but constantly felt let down by those series, this one won’t do that. It’s just great.” (Source: Autostraddle)



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